Figure 5
Per-residue values for the backbone heavy atoms in CrystA and CrystB of TM1112, per-residue global backbone and all-heavy-atom displacements between CrystA and CrystB and mean values of the per-residue pairwise backbone displacements among the bundles of 20 conformers representing the NMR structure and the reference NMR and crystal structures. (a) Linear least-squares fit of the values for the CrystA versus the corresponding displacements in the reference crystal structure, . The resulting representation of the values by is used for comparisons with the values for the other structures (Jaudzems et al., 2010 ). (b)–(d) Plots of per-residue polypeptide backbone displacements versus the sequence. (b) CrystA and CrystB and reference crystal structure A. For crystal structure B, the same relation between and was used as for CrystA. The locations of the regular secondary structures are indicated and asterisks identify the residues with solvent accessibility below 15% in the NMR structure. (c) NMR structure and reference NMR structure. (d) Backbone displacements between CrystA and CrystB in the crystal asymmetric unit. (e) All-heavy-atom displacements, , between CrystA and CrystB. Residues with large values are identified. |