Figure 6
Variation of the backbone dihedral angles and side-chain torsion angles in the bundles of 20 energy-refined conformers representing the NMR structure and the reference structures (Fig. 3 ) of TM1112 and comparisons with CrystA. The spread of the values for the backbone dihedral angles φ and ψ among the 20 conformers representing the NMR structure (a), the reference NMR structure (b) and the reference crystal structure A (c) (Fig. 3 ) is represented by blue vertical bars; the red dots indicate the deviations of the crystal structure values from the corresponding mean values for the bundles of 20 conformers, which are at 0°. (d)–(f) The same presentation as in (a) to (c) for the side-chain torsion angles χ1 and χ2 in the NMR structure (d), the reference NMR structure (e) and the reference crystal structure A (f). The locations of the regular secondary structures are indicated and asterisks identify the residues with solvent accessibility below 15% in the NMR structure. |