Figure 9
Local precision of the TM1081 structures along the sequence. (a) Linear least-squares fit of the crystallographic per-residue values versus the corresponding per-residue displacements in the reference crystal structure, , yielding c = 1/69 in equation (3) of Jaudzems et al. (2010 ). (b) Plots of the per-residue polypeptide-backbone displacements versus the sequence. Upper panel, crystal structure and reference crystal structure. Lower panel, NMR structure and reference NMR structure. For the crystal structure, per-residue displacements were calculated from the values using the relation in (a). For the NMR structure and the two reference structures the data correspond to the global per-residue displacements calculated for bundles of 20 conformers (Billeter et al., 1989 ). The locations of regular secondary structures are indicated in the upper panel and conserved residues in anti-σ factor antagonists are shaded (see text). |