Figure 6
Structure-based sequence alignment of TrpRSs. The four Cys residues in the C-x22-C-x6-C-x2-C motif of TmTrpRS that chelate the [4Fe–4S] cluster are colored by red letters. Strictly conserved residues are highlighted in red boxes and additional conserved residues are in yellow boxes. The secondary-structure elements of TmTrpRS are shown at the top, where α-helices (α1–α15), β-strands (β1–β5) and 310-helices (η1–η4) are sequentially labeled and β-turns and γ-turns are designated with the Greek letter tau (T). Asp136, which is conserved among prokaryotes, is indicated with a blue diamond. Abbreviations: Thermotoga maritima TrpRS, TmTrpRS; Deinoccoccus radiodurans TrpRS_I, Dr_I; Bacillus stearothermophilus TrpRS, Bs; D. radiodurans TrpRS_II, Dr_II; Homo sapiens TrpRS, Hs. Note: the sequence of DrTrpRS_I is included in the alignment although there is no crystal structure available from the PDB. |