Figure 1
Multiple sequence alignment of bacterial PPATs. Sequences are shown from B. pseudomallei (Bp PPAT; PDB entry 3pxu
; present study), E. coli (PDB entry 1b6t
; Izard & Geerlof, 1999 ), Y. pestis (PDB entry 3l93
; Osipiuk et al., unpublished work), T. maritima (PDB entry 1vlh
; Joint Center for Structural Genomics, unpublished work), M. tuberculosis (PDB entry 1tfu
; Morris & Izard, 2004 ), B. subtilis (PDB entry 1o6b
; Badger et al., 2005 ) and T. thermophilus (PDB entry 1od6
; Takahashi et al., 2004 ). α-Helices and β-sheets from the Bp PPAT structure are shown as magenta cylinders and yellow arrows, respectively. The side chains of Thr9, Arg87 and Glu98 interact with dephospho-coenzyme A in the 3pxu
structure. This figure was prepared with Geneious (Drummond et al., 2010 ). |