Figure 4
AMP-bound and GMP-bound structures. BrabA.11339.a was cocrystallized with AMPPNP and GMPPNP, variants of AMP or GMP that are nonhydrolyzable between the β-phosphate and γ-phosphate. Left panels, OMIT densities for the AMPPNP (top) and GMPPNP (bottom) cocrystals (see Fig. 3 for colors). The σA-weighted 2Fo − Fc electron density for the high-resolution data set is contoured at 1σ (blue) and the corresponding Fo − Fc electron density is contoured at ±3σ (green/red). The right panels show the refined densities for the models refined with AMP (top) and GMP (bottom), respectively. No density is visible beyond the α-phosphate. It is likely that BrabA.11339.a has hydrolyzed the β-phosphate. The nucleotides are bound in the dimer interface and engage in multiple interactions with both protomers. |