Figure 1
Ensemble of B. pseudomallei PGAM structures. Protein models are displayed in green as ribbon structures, with key residues rendered as stick structures. Ligands are shown in stick representation with C atoms colored yellow. Wire mesh represents the 3.0σ level of the (Fo − Fc) OMIT map calculated for the final structure with ligands removed. Polar contacts are rendered as red dashed lines. All ligands were modelled at 100% occupancy, with the exception of the tetrahedral vanadate in 3gw8 (50%) and the two alternate conformations of glycerol in 3gw8 (50% each). In all cases occupancies were held constant and not refined. (a) PDB entry 3ezn , apo structure; (b) PDB entry 3fdz subunit B, bound 3-phosphoglycerate with phosphohistidine; (c) PDB entry 3fdz subunit A, bound 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate; (d) PDB entry 3gw8 , vanadate–glycerol complex; (e) PDB entry 3gp5 , vanadate–3-phosphoglycerate complex; (f) PDB entry 3gp3 , bound 2-phosphoserine; (g) PDB entry 3lnt , malonate-bound structure. |