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Figure 3
Mean I/σ(I) and Rσ versus resolution for 1fm4 and 3k78 . The left column shows what can be considered representative statistics for experimental diffraction data (1fm4 ). The I/σ(I) versus resolution graphs generally reproduce the trend of the Wilson plots, which are readily available via TRUNCATE from the CCP4 suite. Note for 3k78 (left column) the abnormally high values of I/σ(I) as well as the sharp increase at low resolution, normally not observed with protein structures containing bulk-solvent contributions which supress the strong high-resolution scattering contributions. In the second row, 1fm4 intensities display the normal increase of Rσ versus resolution, and its values are representative of what is expected for a data set that is useful to a mean I/σ(I) level of about 2.0 in the highest resolution shell. 3k78 data in contrast show absurdly low values for Rσ corresponding to the extremely high mean I/σ(I) values, with a mean I/σ(I) of over 20 in the last resolution shell (c.f. Table 2[link]). Figure panels are PostScript plots generated by XPREP.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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