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Figure 1
cAMP–CAP dimer with bound cobalt(II) and sulfate ligands (CAP subunits, blue/light-blue and green/lime ribbons; cAMP and sulfate, stick representation with atom-type colors; Co2+, purple spheres). (a) Crystal asymmetric unit composed of one cAMP–CAP dimer, two Co2+ ions and 13 sulfate ligands. (b) Co2+ coordination in subunit A (crystal lattice neighbor shown at top in orange). (c) C-terminal domain of subunit B shown with bound sulfates and selected DNA sugar-phosphate backbone fragments from a superimposed CAP–DNA structure [PDB entry 1zrc (Napoli et al., 2006BB16), translucent grey/pink sticks]. DNA numbering follows Fig. 1[link] of Lawson et al. (2004BB11).

ISSN: 2053-230X
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