Figure 3
A PtI3X complex bound in a crevice between two symmetry-related molecules. (a, b) Complex derived from cisplatin with a Pt atom bound to three I atoms and a Cl atom bound near Arg128, Cys6, Glu7 and Ala10 of molecule A and Asn106, Arg112, Pro70 and Asn65 of a symmetry-related molecule. (c, d) Complex derived from carboplatin with platinum bound to three I atoms and a portion of the CBDC moiety bound near Asn106, Arg112, Pro70, Asn65 of molecule A and Arg128, Cys6, Glu7 and Ala10 of a symmetry-related molecule (a). The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map (blue) is contoured at 1.5σ and the anomalous difference electron-density map (orange) is contoured at 3σ. The Pt atom is shown in purple, the iodines are in yellow, the chlorine is grey, C atoms are green and O atoms are red. |