Figure 2
Approach for evaporation control and strategy for calculating the evaporation rate. The plate lids that we designed channel the reservoir vapor pressure over the crystallization shelf in order to shield the crystallization droplet from dehydration by room air (a). To deconvolute the evaporation rate of the crystallization droplet from the reservoir, we used an analytical balance to periodically weigh crystallization plates containing either water or three types of mother liquor in two setups as shown in (a) and (b). We postulated that the small droplet on the crystallization shelf negligibly shielded the larger volume in the reservoir, so that the difference between the two measured evaporation rates was the evaporation rate for the droplet by itself (Evapshelfdeduced = EvapAObs − EvapBObs). We also directly measured the evaporation rate for uncovered plates EvapCObs as shown in (c). |