Figure 3
Noncanonical base pairings within the RNA duplex. (a) The G7–U13 wobble had the typical form supplemented by a water-bridged hydrogen bond involving guanine N2, water W5 and uridine ribose O2′. (b) The C3–A17 base pair was stabilized by a hydrogen bond between adenine N6 and cytosine O4, whereas the U4–U16 pairing (c) was based on hydrogen bonds between N3 and O4 of each base. (d) Cytosine 10 adopted alternate conformations; one of each is shown. The alternate conformations formed 3.2 Å amino–imino hydrogen bonds between N4 of one and N3 of the other, supplemented by putative hydrogen bonds between water W24 and N4 of both bases. The 2m|Fo| − D|Fc| composite OMIT map is contoured at 1σ and hydrogen-bond lengths are in Å. |