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Figure 2
Overall structure of the HRSV M2–1 RBD. (a) Cartoon representation of the HRSV M2–1 RBD rainbow-coloured from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-­terminus (red). (b) Superposition of the HRSV M2–1 RBD crystal structure (blue) with the NMR structure (orange) and the crystal structure of the corresponding domain in the tetrameric assembly (grey). (c) Composite OMIT map of the C-terminal tail (residues 178–185) in the HRSV M2–1 RBD structure (P3221 crystal form) contoured at 1.5σ. The colour code and orientation are as in (a), except for the C-terminal tail, which is displayed according to atom type. (d) Close-up of the C-terminal tail with contacting residues, waters and bond lengths.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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