Figure 3
Interfaces for protein–RNA interactions. The hydrogen-bonding network for PhoRpp38 bound to the P12.2M K-turn. (a) Lys35 in β1 and Thr37, Asn38, Glu39 and Lys42 in α2 form a hydrogen-bond network with nucleotide residues in the NC helix. (b) Glu94, Ala96 and Ala98 in the loop between α4 and β4 bind G17 and G18 in the 3 nt bulge, and Asp59 and Lys84 hydrogen-bond U19 in the 3 nt bulge. PhoRpp38 and P12.2M are presented in cartoon representation, while the amino-acid residues involved in the interaction are shown in stick representation. |