Figure 2
Architecture of a polyomavirus VP1 pentamer with the location of the canonical glycan-binding site and ganglioside oligosaccharides used in the text. Left: the SV40 VP1 pentamer (grey cartoon representation) with three of the five GM1 glycan-binding sites occupied (Neu et al., 2008 ). GM1 is displayed using the 3D-SNFG (Symbol Nomenclature for Graphical Representation of Glycans) representation. Right, top row, left to right: GM1 glycan in 3D-SNFG, 3D-SNFG icon and SNFG representations. Right, bottom row, left to right: b-series ganglioside GD3, GD1b and GT1b oligosaccharides in SNFG representation. The DrawGlycan-SNFG server (Cheng et al., 2017 ) and the 3D-SNFG script (Thieker et al., 2016 ) for VMD (Humphrey et al., 1996 ) were used to generate the SNFG-type representations. |