Figure 4
Three-dimensional structure of RtGH124 and metal-ion site. (a) General rainbow view of RtGH124 (PDB entry 6g1g) from red (N-terminus) to blue (C-terminus) in complex with two co-crystallized cellotrioses (in orange) next to the catalytic Glu203 (in light blue) and manganese (grey sphere) at the metal-ion site. (b) X-ray fluorescence spectrum for PDB entry 6g1g. Peaks corresponding to manganese and nickel are shown as yellow and purple lines, respectively. (c) Stereoview of the metal-ion site. The 2Fo − Fc electron-density map (grey mesh) is contoured at 1σ (0.44 e Å−3). The Fo − Fc difference OMIT map (green mesh), calculated without the 2-oxo modification in His264, is contoured at 3σ (0.36 e Å−3). The anomalous map (blue mesh) is likewise contoured at 3σ (0.36 e Å−3). Distances between the metal and the coordinating atoms of Asp141, Gln172, Glu175, His176, His264 and the water are shown as red dashed lines. |