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Figure 5
Structural comparison of E. coli GldA with other GldAs. (a) Superposition of the E. coli GldA crystal structure (orchid) with other structures reported in the PDB (dark khaki, PDB entry 5xn8; dark gray, PDB entry 4mca; hot pink, PDB entry 1kq3; cornflower blue, PDB entry 1jqa; tan, PDB entry 3uhj; cyan, PDB entry 1ta9; white, PDB entry 3ce9). (b) Superposition of the E. coli GldA crystal structure (orchid) with PDB entry 3ce9 (white). (c) Comparision of the glycerol-binding sites of different GldAs. (d) Enlarged view showing the orientiation of glycerol within the active-site pocket.

ISSN: 2053-230X
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