The Executive Committee of the International Union of Crystallography is pleased to announce the Crystallography Journals Online service. This service, which provides full-text and PDF versions of IUCr journals, will be available online to subscribers in 2000. For details see //journals.iucr.org . Subscribers will be required to register with the service; details of the registration procedure will be mailed to subscribers in due course.
From 1 January 2000, there will be a 5% discount on the prices of the individual sections for subscribers taking out combined subscriptions to Sections A+B+C+D and Sections A+B+C of Acta Crystallographica. Individuals may also take out a subscription to Sections A+B+D at a discount of 5%. Subscribers taking out a combined subscription to Journal of Applied Crystallography and Journal of Synchrotron Radiation will receive a discount of 30%.
The Executive Committee has determined the following subscription rates and prices of back numbers for Acta Crystallographica, Journal of Applied Crystallography and Journal of Synchrotron Radiation as from 1 January 2000.
Prices are given in US dollars (USD). All prices are inclusive of postage (airfreight).
2. Acta Crystallographica
The following rates will apply for Volumes A56, B56, C56 and D56 (2000). All subscription rates are fixed in USD.
The reduced-rate subscriptions are ordinarily only available to members of recognized scientific societies, and applications must be accompanied by a written undertaking that the journal is for the personal use of the subscriber and will not be made available to libraries, institutions etc. These conditions also apply to persons wishing to order back numbers at the reduced rates.
Single parts
The price of single parts of any Section of Volume 56 (2000) is USD 110.
3. Journal of Applied Crystallography (see also Special packages)
The following rates will apply for Volume 33 (2000). All subscription rates are fixed in USD.
The same conditions apply to reduced-rate subscriptions as in the case of Acta Crystallographica (see above).
Single parts
The price of single parts of Volume 33 (2000) is USD 110.
4. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (see also Special packages)
The following rates will apply for Volume 7 (2000). All subscription rates are fixed in USD.
The same conditions apply to reduced-rate subscriptions as in the case of Acta Crystallographica (see above).
Single parts
The price of single parts of Volume 7 (2000) is USD 125.
5. Special packages
A discount of 30% is available for the following combined subscription.
6. Prices of back numbers
All these prices are fixed in USD.
Acta Crystallographica
Single parts
Single parts of Volumes 1–23 are not available. The price of single parts of any Section of other volumes is USD 110.
A few copies of the cumulative index for Volumes 1–10 (1948–1957) are also available, free of charge.
Journal of Applied Crystallography
Single parts
The price of single parts of any volume is USD 110.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Single parts
The price of single parts of any volume is USD 125.
7. Orders
Orders for Acta Crystallographica, Journal of Applied Crystallography and Journal of Synchrotron Radiation may be addressed to Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd, 35 Nørre Søgade, DK-1370 Copenhagen K, Denmark (e-mail: fsub@munksgaard.dk; WWW: http://www.munksgaard.dk/). Orders from subscribers in North America may alternatively be placed through Polycrystal Book Service, PO Box 3439, Dayton, OH 45401-3439, USA (e-mail: polybook@dnaco.net; WWW: http://www.dnaco.net/~polybook/).