The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) offers reduced-price institutional subscriptions to its six print journals.
Each year 20 new reduced-price subscriptions will be available for each of the six print journals. These will last for three years and cover from 25 to 85% of the costs of subscriptions. Successful applicants will be invoiced for 75 to 15% of the list price. Free online access to the journals via Crystallography Journals Online is included.
1. General conditions
The reduced-price subscriptions are distributed on a competitive basis according to the following rules:
2. Special conditions for 2001
The scheme will commence in 2001. Exceptionally only institutions that have not held a subscription in the years 1998–2000 will be eligible. 60 reduced-price subscriptions for each journal will be awarded as follows:
When the one-year and two-year reduced-price subscriptions expire, institutions are eligible to re-enter the scheme up to a maximum period of three years.
3. Administration
Application forms may be downloaded from the address //journals.iucr.org/services/grantsapp.pdf and may also be obtained from:
The Executive Secretary, International Union of Crystallography, 2 Abbey Square, Chester, CH1 2HU, England.
Reduced-price subscriptions are financed from the IUCr's Journals Grant Fund and the granting procedure is determined by a Sub-committee of the IUCr Executive Committee, chaired by a member of the IUCr Executive Committee. The Sub-committee reports to the IUCr Executive Committee by providing a list of applicants in order of priority.