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Free ORTEC application note: how histogramming and counting statistics affect peak-position precision
A new application note, AN58 How Histogramming and Counting Statistics Affect Peak Position Precision, is available free of charge from ORTEC. AN58 investigates and defines the relative importance of the errors caused by counting statistics, differential non-linearity, and bin width when determining the position of a peak in a spectrum that has been recorded as a histogram. This study is aimed at time digitizers, multichannel scalers and multichannel pulse-height analysers, where the counting of individual events follows Poisson statistics, but the results can be adapted to other instruments as well.
A free copy of AN58 can be ordered from info_ORTEC@perkinelmer.com, or downloaded from the application notes page of the ORTEC web site at http://www.ORTEC-online.com.