Figure 1
Conoscopic images of a 9.4 mm thick sapphire rod cut on (001) using a 20× 0.4NA objective. (a) Unprocessed image in the rotating-polarizer system (equivalent to a standard uniaxial figure with a quarter-wave plate inserted); (b) |sin δ| and (c) φ separated into two images by the rotating-polarizer technique. The wavelength of the light used was 580 nm. The colour scale is shown at the top right in each diagram; for convenience of interpreting the orientation colours, the orientations of the slow directions have been marked on the orientation image by short lines. The length of these lines is proportional to |sin δ|. The observed planobirefringence increases with the distance from the centre, causing |sin δ| to pass through several minima and maxima. φ varies as discussed in the text. |