Margaret C. Etter Early Career Award presented to Julia Chan
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*Correspondence e-mail: execsec@iucr.org
This award recognizes achievement and future potential among those at an early stage in their independent careers. The award was established to honor the memory and celebrate the scientific accomplishments and mentoring skills of the late Professor Margaret C. Etter, and was given for the first time to Dr Julia Y. Chan (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA), in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the study of materials chemistry using crystallographic methods, her excellent leadership in teaching and mentoring, and her exceptional potential to continue to impact crystallographic research and education. Julia presented her award lecture: `Structure–Property Relationships of Superconducting and Heavy Intermetallics' at the Etter Award Symposium which was organized by Jeanette Krause Bauer and chaired by Carolyn Brock.
In addition several students were chosen by Special Interest Groups to receive the first Etter Student Lecturer Awards. They were: David Lodowski (Biological Macromolecules), Monica Allain (Small-Angle Scattering), Peter Chupas (Materials Science), Jennifer Padilla (General Interest) and Firas Awwadi (Small Molecules).