CIF applications
enCIFer: a program for viewing, editing and visualizing CIFs
applications. XV.aCambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK
*Correspondence e-mail: allen@ccdc.cam.ac.uk
The enCIFer program permits the location, reporting and correction of syntax and format violations in single- or multi-block crystallographic information files (CIFs). The program also permits the editing of existing individual or looped data items and the addition of new data in these categories, and provides data-entry wizards for the addition of two types of standard information for small-molecule structural studies, namely publication data and chemical and physical property information. Facilities for the graphical visualization and manipulation of structure(s) in a are also provided.
Keywords: CIF applications; computer programs; enCIFer.
1. Introduction
The et al., 1991; Brown & McMahon, 2002
; http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cif/ ) is the international standard for the transfer of crystallographic information among individuals and laboratories and, most importantly, is increasingly being adopted as the required format for submission of data to journals and databases. Although the was specifically designed to be human-readable, the syntax requirements make it rather unsuitable for direct editing or enhancement using standard text editors. The core data items of a recording the results of structure solution and are normally generated automatically by crystallographic software packages, and the principal need to edit a arises when the data are being prepared for publication in a journal or for transmission to a database. This requires the addition of, inter alia, information concerning the authors' names and addresses, a chemical description of the substance, and various chemical and physical properties, for example crystal colour, melting point, etc. Even the core data must, at times, be changed or updated, for example to indicate those geometric parameters that should be published in the paper. It is in these editing processes that the syntax conventions can easily be violated unless special care (or software) is employed to check the resulting file.
Close to 95% of new ) now arrive at the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) in electronic form, and the vast majority of these data are in format. In nearly half of the incoming CIFs, the syntax rules have been violated, and even though many of these violations are relatively minor, they prevent the from being correctly parsed, for example by Mercury, the CCDC's structure visualizer (Taylor & Macrae, 2001
; Bruno et al., 2002
), or by CCDC in-house software systems that underpin the value-added conversion of raw CIFs to entries in the distributed CSD. For this reason, we have now developed the enCIFer program as a general-purpose editor. The software incorporates locally written C++ classes, together with the C++ Qt library (Trolltech AS, 1995
) for building the graphical user interface (GUI). This article describes the facilities available in Version 1.1 of the program.
2. Capabilities of enCIFer
2.1. Overview of principal features
The enCIFer program operates on single- or multi-block CIFs to permit:
(a) Choice of dictionaries for file validation.
(b) Location, reporting and correction of syntax violations.
(c) Editing of existing individual or looped data items.
(d) Addition of new individual or looped data items.
(e) Addition of certain standard information via two data-entry wizards:
(i) Publication wizard: prompts for the basic bibliographic information required by most journals and databases which accept
deposition documents.(ii) Data wizard: prompts for chemical and physical property information, which enhances a raw
for deposition with a journal or database.(f) Visualization of structure(s) in the CIF.
enCIFer may be used to check the syntax integrity of the amended file in all cases where data are edited or added.
2.2. Overview of the interface
The main enCIFer window is depicted in Fig. 1. This contains eight segments:
![]() | Figure 1 Main control and display window of the enCIFer graphical user interface. |
(a) Top-Level Menu (File, Edit, Search, Tools, Help).
(b) Toolbar containing many common program options.
(c) Browser Box permitting dictionary navigation (top left-hand pane).
(d) Text Editor (top right-hand pane).
(e) Visualizer button for displaying crystal structure(s) in the CIF.
(f) Error List for displaying and navigating error, warning and remark messages generated by enCIFer (bottom left-hand pane).
(g) Message Log, a scrolling log of all enCIFer messages (bottom right-hand pane).
(h) Status Bar at the bottom of the window, which displays help messages and line and column numbers.
The interface can also access:
(a) Loop Editor (Fig. 2), which provides a spreadsheet view of looped data items.
![]() | Figure 2 The enCIFer Loop Editor window showing a loop containing errors before (upper pane) and after correction (lower pane). |
(b) Wizards (e.g. Fig. 3) for entering crystal, chemical and publication data.
![]() | Figure 3 One of the data-entry panes of the enCIFer Crystal Data Wizard. |
(c) Visualizer windows (e.g. Fig. 4), for graphical display of crystal and molecular structures.
![]() | Figure 4 The enCIFer visualizer window. |
2.3. dictionaries supported
Valid ). enCIFer is able to load dictionaries which conform to the DDL1.4 format (http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cif/ ), including the small-molecule core dictionary and the powder diffraction dictionary. The current DDL1 dictionaries are included in the enCIFer distribution with the permission of the IUCr as copyright holder. enCIFer does not support DDL2 dictionaries, e.g. mmCIF, the macromolecular dictionary.
2.4. File operations
On launching enCIFer, the Text Editor pane shows an empty An existing can be loaded using Open, or by supplying a file name on the encifer command line in UNIX, or by drag and drop in Windows. Multiple CIFs can be loaded and viewed either in separate enCIFer windows or in a single reusable window. Optionally, enCIFer can be configured to open or insert a template CIF.
2.5. display and syntax or format checking
Once a enCIFer, its contents are displayed in the Text Editor pane using configurable colour highlighting according to syntax, e.g. bold red for the data-block header, bold blue for data names in dictionaries, bold magenta for loop keywords, etc. This colour coding is particularly useful in tracking content errors where text fields lack a closing semicolon; this type of error is notoriously difficult to locate otherwise. The is parsed to check for dictionary compliance and syntax violations. Optionally, the can be checked for the presence of mandatory data items, listed in configurable files, that may be required by specific journals or databases. Check results are classified into errors, warnings and remarks, and these messages are listed in the Error List box, with a summary written to the Message Log. The message lists may be expanded or contracted by double-clicking the appropriate icons adjacent to the words Errors, Warnings or Remarks. Double-clicking on a specific Error or Warning message displays and highlights the relevant line of the in the Text Editor pane.
is loaded into2.6. editing with dictionary assistance
Text may be typed into the Text Editor pane as for a standard plain text editor. The enCIFer editor supports copy, cut and paste, undo and redo, and find and replace mechanisms. Within extended text fields, limited support exists for special representation of Greek symbols and subscript or superscript text. To assist the editing process, dictionary information can be accessed in two ways, firstly by simply right-clicking on the data item to be edited in the Text Editor pane, and secondly by using the Browser Box. The browser pane provides a hierarchical view of each in terms of data blocks and their data items. The hierarchy is defined by the arrangement of data categories and data items in the dictionaries, and the full hierarchy can be viewed by clicking on Expand (and Contract) buttons in the browser. Data items present in the current block are shown as black text, while data items which are not present are in grey. This provides a means of navigating the blocks and data items present in the right-clicking on a black data name provides dictionary information about that data item and allows the data value to be edited for non-looped data items, while right-clicking on a grey data name allows it to be inserted and/or the corresponding data value set in the current data block displayed in the Text Editor pane.
2.7. Editing or inserting loops
Loop Editor (Fig. 2) as an alternative to using the Text Editor pane (which is disabled when the Loop Editor is invoked). An existing loop is displayed as a spreadsheet, with the data names shown as column headings and with the loop rows numbered sequentially. Spreadsheet cells are colour coded according to their data content, with grey used for empty cells, yellow for cells containing `.' (placeholder values) and blue for cells containing `?' (unknown values). Cells containing values that are incompatible with the dictionary definitions show a yellow warning triangle. Data item assistance can be obtained by right-clicking on a spreadsheet cell. The regular arrangement of data values in this format allows easy visual detection of out-of-phase errors, where a column (or columns) of data values is omitted yet the total number of included data values is still an integer multiple of the number of declared data items. This is another type of error that can be difficult to detect by other means. Apart from simply altering data values, loop-editing facilities also include the ability to resize or move columns and rows, and to add or delete columns, rows or cells. Changes made using the Loop Editor can be reviewed before they are applied to the target Finally, a completely new loop can be inserted into a data block at the current cursor position in the Text Editor pane.
2.8. Data-entry wizards
Two wizards are provided in enCIFer, namely a Publication Wizard for entering bibliographic data, and a Crystal Data Wizard for entering additional crystallographic and chemical information for small-molecule structural studies. Both wizards operate on the current data block, as determined by the cursor position in the Text Editor pane. Both wizards will display any relevant data already present in the so they also provide facilities for editing or updating that information. All additions made with each wizard may be reviewed before they are incorporated into the target The act of data incorporation takes care of the necessary syntax and format rules.
The Publication Wizard permits entry of contact author details, which can also be entered automatically via appropriate preference settings, and of journal and author information. The journal information for which it prompts will vary depending on whether the is being submitted for publication, has already been published, or is being submitted directly to a database as a private communication. A scrolling list of journals that are already represented in the Cambridge Structural Database is provided to assist data entry.
The Crystal Data Wizard prompts for entry of any or all of the physical and chemical data and diffraction information summarized in Table 1. This wizard also permits the to be selected from a pull-down list containing the allowed values, and for the space-group number (International Tables for Crystallography, 1995
) to be entered if it is not already present in the The Hermann–Mauguin space-group symbol may already be specified in the or will be given an initial value by enCIFer using any symmetry-equivalent positions already present in the or may be selected directly in the wizard from a pull-down list of common space-group settings that correspond to the given space-group number. The wizard will generate warnings if there are inconsistencies between the the space-group number and the Hermann–Mauguin symbol, so that these can be resolved before any information is incorporated into the target CIF.
2.9. Structure visualization
Visualizer button just below the Text Editor pane (Fig. 1). By default, a 2×3 grid of visualizer windows is shown, with one window for each data block containing data in the A zoom facility permits isolation of an individual structure in a single visualizer window (Fig. 4
). Right-clicking in the visualizer background or on a specific object (atom, bond, plane, etc.) will generate menus which access the display options summarized in Table 2
. The visualization facilities in enCIFer use much of the underlying C++ code that is used in the CCDC's Mercury program (Taylor & Macrae, 2001
, Bruno et al., 2002
). Mercury can itself read CIFs and provides more extensive structure visualization facilities, particularly for generating and exploring networks of intermolecular contacts. Mercury is freely downloadable from http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/ for bona fide research purposes.
3. Program availability and documentation
The enCIFer program is available as a free download from http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/ for bona fide research use. Program executables are available for a number of operating systems, including Windows, Linux (Intel), Solaris (SPARC and Intel) and SGI (IRIX). Version 1.0 was released in April 2003, and Version 1.1 was made available in April 2004. Note that enCIFer is not currently supported for Macintosh computers; however, a Mac OS X port is under consideration.
Full documentation (73 pages) and three enCIFer tutorials are provided with the download. Documentation may be freely accessed and viewed in HTML format or as a PDF file via the CCDC website noted above. Complete installation instructions are provided with the downloaded files. User support for enCIFer is provided by the CCDC and queries about the program and its operation may be e-mailed to support@ccdc.cam.ac.uk , or as otherwise directed from time to time on the CCDC website.
‡Present address: Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, UK.
The authors would like to thank Brian McMahon and Peter Strickland of the IUCr for their assistance with the enCIFer and for providing valuable comments on development versions of the software. Staff of the CCDC Technical and Scientific Support Groups are thanked for the generation and maintenance of the download and installation mechanisms, for maintenance of the documentation, and for conducting extensive internal and external testing of the program. We thank the external testers and many users of enCIFer Version 1.0 for providing valuable feedback.
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