CIF applications
CIF2CRY: for input into the CRYSTALS program
applications. XVI.aUniversity of Oxford, Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Chemistry Research Building, Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TA, UK, and bDepartment of Chemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454, USA
*Correspondence e-mail: richard.cooper@chemical-crystallography.oxford.ac.uk
CIF2CRY is a program for converting structural data and reflection data contained in a into instructions to be read by the CRYSTALS program [Betteridge, Carruthers, Cooper, Prout & Watkin (2003). J. Appl. Cryst. 36, 1487]. The program can be used, for example, to read in CIFs that are archived by crystallographic journals, allowing users to study and re-refine published structures. Multiple data blocks in one can be converted into a continuous file of CRYSTALS instructions, including an instruction for running user-specified calculations after each structure has been input. The program uses the CIFtbx Fortran library.
Keywords: CIF; CRYSTALS; computer programs.
1. Introduction
The et al., 1991) has become a de facto standard for storing and sharing crystallographic results. While many authors have produced programs that can write a it is a much more challenging task to read the format, requiring a detailed knowledge of structure and syntax, and this fact has limited the use of as a format for sharing data between programs. A few programs have implemented the required reading routines, notably PLATON (Spek, 1998
), which will read a and can output SHELX format files (Sheldrick, 1998
) for subsequent Fortunately for authors of other programs, reading libraries, such as the CIFtbx Fortran library (Hall, 1993
), provide some help in transferring data between program memory and data items.
CIF2CRY is a format conversion program, written in Fortran, which exploits the access to data items provided by CIFtbx. The program aims to extract all relevant information present in a and write a file of instructions to input that data into CRYSTALS (Betteridge et al., 2003). The program runs with a minimum of user interaction and, as shown below, can be hidden from the user behind a point-and-click dialog interface in CRYSTALS.
2. Usage
CIF2CRY can be run interactively in a terminal window or with options specified as command-line arguments, or a combination of the two. The program can be accessed from within CRYSTALS via a simple dialog box.
2.1. Command-line arguments
Specifying incorrect or illegal combinations of command-line arguments causes CIF2CRY to display usage information as follows:
−f causes only the first data block to be extracted from the CIF.
−a causes all data blocks to be extracted from the CIF.
The options −f and −a are mutually exclusive. If neither option is specified, CIF2CRY will ask interactively whether each data block should be output.
The −n extension option causes output to be written to a file named by prefixing the string `extension' with the data block name from the CIF.
−o outputfile causes output to be written to a file named outputfile.
The options −n and −o are mutually exclusive. Note that if multiple data blocks are to be extracted from the CIF2CRY will ask interactively for an output filename for each data block.
then −n implies that each block will be written to a separate file, while −o will cause all output to be written to a single file. If neither option is specified,inputfile is the name of the CIF2CRY will interactively ask for one when it is executed.
from which data will be extracted. If no filename is specified on the command line, then2.2. CRYSTALS dialog interface
A simple user interface providing access to some common modes of use of CIF2CRY is accessible from the CRYSTALS menus or by typing `#script cif2cry' at the CRYSTALS command line (Fig. 1).
![]() | Figure 1 The CIF2CRY user interface provided within CRYSTALS. |
There are three operations available. Firstly, Extract first or only data block, which is equivalent to the command-line options −f −o; secondly, Extract all data blocks to a single file, which is equivalent to the command-line options −a −o; and finally, Extract all data blocks to multiple files, which is equivalent to the command-line options −a −n. For the first two operations, an output filename must be specified, and this file can be automatically input into CRYSTALS if desired. The third operation produces multiple files and requires just a filename extension. There is no option to process multiple instruction files automatically.
3. Algorithm
The program extracts as much data about the structure as it can from the CRYSTALS `Title' instruction, the cell and space-group data are retrieved, and appropriate CRYSTALS instructions are written to the output file. Next the _cell_formula_unit_Z and _chemical_formula_sum data are used to construct a unit-cell composition instruction in the output file.
Firstly, the data block name itself is stored as aThe atom-site data are processed next. CRYSTALS uses element type and a serial number to identify atoms uniquely, while the specification uses an _atom_type_site_symbol to specify the element and a character label, _atom_site_label, to identify the atoms. Converting from the CRYSTALS format to is not a problem, but the reverse is more complicated since the labels are not always composed simply of concatenated element symbol and number but may be of the form C1a, H3* or H3′, or simply Fe. Since there is no simple scheme that can be devised to convert such labels to serial numbers in a reversible way, we simply replace non-numeric symbols with integer numbers or, in the case of lone element symbols, insert a 0. The original label is stored safely on the end of a CRYSTALS atom instruction for future retrieval. Labels such as H3* and H3′ that occur in the same structure will both end up with serial number 30, so an instruction is included after the list of atoms to make CRYSTALS find and rename any duplicate atom identifiers.
Information about disorder can be contained in a CRYSTALS and, as well as being useful in defining the constraint matrix for of occupancies, it is of most use in restricting the output of distance and angle calculations to those that are chemically relevant.
atom list using the _atom_site_disorder_assembly data name to identify clusters of atoms that are positionally disordered within a structure and, within each assembly, using _atom_site_disorder_group to identify uniquely those atoms that are simultaneously occupied. This information can be input intoFollowing the atom list, any experimental details that are known to CRYSTALS are found from the and written to the output file.
Finally, CIF2CRY searches for a list of hkl indices containing either structure-factor amplitudes or amplitudes squared and associated sigma values. If present, the hkl data are stored in a separate file and instructions are inserted into the CRYSTALS input to read data from this file.
Each set of instructions for CRYSTALS finishes with a call to a CRYSTALS script, `#script cifproc', which will automatically execute the contents of a file `cifproc.dat' if present in the working directory. This file may contain any CRYSTALS instructions, e.g. distance and angle calculations, instructions, residual analysis, output of structural diagrams or even output of a new This facility is intended for batch processing of a large number of structures that have all been output to a single file of instructions (see example below).
4. Examples
Two examples follow: firstly, the one-off extraction of data from a IUCr Journals Online section, and secondly, the batch processing of a large containing many structures resulting from a CSD search.
downloaded from the4.1. Examine a structure from a recent Acta Crystallographica journal
The IUCr Crystallography Journals Online section contains data for structures that appear in IUCr journals. Locate the and the associated structure factors that you are interested in and save them in a new folder with an appropriate name, e.g. qa0401.cif and qa0401Isup2.fcf.
4.2. Batch processing CSD data
Batch processing of a large number of structures may be useful if there is a simple calculation that CRYSTALS can carry out on each structure. This example generates an anisotropic shape tensor for each molecule, which will enclose all of the atoms present (Fig. 2) and thus provide a simple representation of molecular shape and packing.
![]() | Figure 2 A plot of the anisotropic shape tensor, generated to fit the molecular shape. |
Replace whole molecule by a single
# atom at the centroid with a large
# enveloping ADP.
# Output data for analysis.
# First the title:
# Then the new atom with its adp parameters
# ( this command outputs atom list):
5. Programs and availability
The CIF2CRY executable for Win32 platforms can be obtained as part of the distribution of the CRYSTALS software from http://www.xtl.ox.ac.uk/crystals.html . The source code is also included as required under the CIFtbx licence. CIF2CRY is distributed free of charge.
The authors thank the National Science Foundation (grant No. DMR-0089257) for partial support of the work carried out at Brandeis University.
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