Figure 11
Stress analysis employing a general least-squares analysis: practical example. Lattice spacing for the 013 reflection of a macroscopically elastically isotropic Zircaloy specimen at three different rotation angles φ (0, 45 and 90°) measured at positive (open circles) and negative (full circles) specimen tilt. Fitting was performed using five independent stress tensor components: , , , , ( was set to zero); the calculated lattice strains are indicated by the lines in the figure. In addition, the strain-free lattice spacing for the {013} planes was used as a fit parameter in order to fit data on the basis of lattice spacing instead of lattice strains. The results are indicated by the stress tensor in the figure. The error for the diagonal components is 10 MPa; the error for the off-diagonal components is 2 MPa. The strain-free lattice spacing is used only as a dummy parameter. It could be used for the determination of the strain-free lattice constants only after correction for instrumental aberrations (cf. §4.4.1 ). |