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Figure 6
Stacked neutron diffraction patterns over part of the time-of-flight range collected for NiTi samples deformed at room pressure (top) and at 160 MPa confining pressure (bottom). For the room-pressure data, each successive pattern (from low applied load to high) after the first is incremented by 150000 counts parallel to the y axis, and for the 160 MPa confining-pressure data this increment is 100000 counts. The room-pressure diffraction data were collected for three different counting periods (as indicated), but for presentational purposes, they have all been normalized to an equivalent incident neutron number (for a counting period of 50 µA, i.e. about 17 min); that is, the observed counts for the patterns generated at 0.1 to 15 kN have been multiplied by 1.67, and those observed at 18 to 22 kN have been divided by 2. In each case, the changing relative proportion of austenite and martensite phase is apparent in the changing peak intensities, while the increasing elastic strain in each phase is visible in the shift in peak position.

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