Figure 8
The performance of our algorithm on the experimental data (Webster et al., 1997 ) collected near a shot-peened Al surface using W = 0.10, 0.76 and 0.71 mm and near-surface sampling intervals of 0.02, 0.1 and 0.1 mm for the out-of-plane synchrotron (filled circles), in-plane synchrotron (open circles) and in-plane neutron (open squares) measurements, respectively. The full lines are profiles reconstructed using our method for synchrotron measurements, while the dashed lines are for the in-plane neutron data. (a) The measured strain profile. The vertical line at x = 0 denotes the edge of the sample. (b) The reconstructed residual strain profile versus depth below the peened surface. (c) The inferred residual stress profile versus depth below the peened surface; a laboratory X-ray surface-stress measurement (triangle) is also included for comparison. |