conference papers
Reduction of two-dimensional small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering data
aESRF, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, BP220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex, France
*Correspondence e-mail:
At the beamlines ID01 and ID02 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, position-sensitive detectors for time-resolved small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering experiments are in use. The applied data reduction method has never been described comprehensively. This article outlines the parametrization of the raw data and introduces the programs developed for this purpose. Data reduction in the sense of this article means all steps between detector readout and normalization to absolute scattering intensities. This includes all corrections that can be made without any specific knowledge of the sample, e.g. detector dark-image correction, division by a flat-field and intensity normalization. Processed data are either two- or one-dimensional. Optionally, statistical errors can be propagated through the calculations.
Keywords: SAXS; WAXS; pinhole camera; synchrotron X-rays; time-resolved experiments; two-dimensional data processing; absolute intensity normalization; statistical error propagation; metadata; data format; image transformations.
1. Introduction
The small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) geometry on pinhole cameras like the beamlines ID01 and ID02 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, is relatively simple. A two-dimensional detector is placed perpendicular to the primary beam and detects the scattered radiation from a sample positioned in front of the detector. The geometrical description becomes more complex for wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) experiments, when several detectors are used at the same time or when they are inclined. Quantitative analysis needs additional data, so called metadata. In addition, a method is desired to estimate and propagate statistical errors. This article explains the scattering geometry used at the ESRF beamlines ID01 and ID02 and introduces the program package Saxs that has been developed for quantitative analysis of SAXS and WAXS data.
The program package allows processing of sequences of one- or two-dimensional small- and wide-angle scattering data. It is available on request from the author and from the scientific software site of the ESRF (ESRF, 2006). The package includes a manual that describes the data format and the use of the routines.
The routines were originally designed to process time-resolved two-dimensional scattering data from gas-filled detectors at ID02 (Bösecke & Diat, 1997). Since this time they have been used and regularly updated.
The SAXS routines are command-line oriented and can be included into shell scripts for batch processing or can be included as subroutines into other programs. A command line history facilitates the creation of scripts. The package does not contain a graphical interface. To display data or to create masks graphically, other programs can be used, e.g. EDFPLOT or FIT2D (see ESRF, 2006). EDFPLOT is a display program that includes most of the features described below, e.g. the use of reference systems.
The SAXS routines perform tasks that typically arise during or after data acquisition. Similar to the CCP13 program BSL (Daresbury SRS, 2006), they allow mathematical operations on scattering patterns or between scattering patterns. The SAXS routines can read BSL files without prior conversion. In addition, they support the storage of metadata like pixel size, wavelength, history etc. This facilitates automatic data processing.
For this purpose a file format has been chosen that can store additional information together with the image data. At the time of creation, the ESRF data format (EDF) was introduced and had the required features. Metadata are written as keyword value pairs into an ASCII header. It can be viewed with common text editors. The binary image data are appended to the end of the ASCII header. A commonly accepted definition of this format is missing. Details are given in the supporting documents available with the package.
It is not intended to propose a storage format for small-angle scattering data. The concept described here is independent of a specific format. A comparison of file formats has been made by Homan et al. (2001).
2. Description
A hierarchical set of parameters describes a well defined scattering geometry. Optionally, the routines allow the propagation of statistical errors using variances, only start values need to be given. Typical applications are detector corrections and intensity normalizations that have been described in several publications (Bösecke & Diat, 1997; Barna et al., 1999
; Narayanan et al., 2001
), e.g. dark-image subtraction, division by a flat-field image, normalization to absolute scattering intensities expressed in number of scattered photons per steradian to number of incident photons (1/sterad), projections in reciprocal space and azimuthal integrations. Each routine allows affine coordinate transformations to map input and output images. A set of predefined reference systems is available that can be used to select the most appropriate coordinate system for calculation. For instance, reference systems that use the beam center as the origin are useful for processing scattering data, while for detector specific corrections it is adequate to use the pixel coordinates of the original detector image. With the choice of an appropriate reference system it is possible to use the same routine to subtract detector dark patterns (reference system Region) or to subtract two scattering patterns taken at slightly different wavelengths, e.g. during an anomalous scattering experiment (reference system Saxs). The reference system Saxs is also useful for combining scattering patterns taken at different sample-to-detector distances.
The Saxs package does not include a spatial distortion correction for arbitrarily shaped input pixels. A fast distortion correction that is based on the method described by Hammersley et al. (1994) is implemented in a separate program package.
2.1. Scattering geometry
Fig. 1 shows a general SAXS/WAXS scattering configuration with a rotated detector that is indicated by the rectangular frame on the left side. The sample is positioned in the origin of the laboratory coordinate system with axes x1, x2 and x3, where x1 is usually horizontal and x2 is usually vertical. Axis x3 is always pointing against the primary beam. The axes form a right-handed orthogonal coordinate system. The primary beam comes from the right. It is indicated with an undulated curve surrounded by a rectangular parallelepiped to indicate its cross section A. For simplicity, the sample is plate-like and is measured in transmission.
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Figure 1
Scattering geometry (metadata keywords in parentheses): axes of the laboratory coordinate system x1, x2, x3, with origin at the sample position, axes of the detector coordinate system f1, f2, pixel sizes p1 (PSize_1), p2 (PSize_2), point of normal incidence C (Center_1, Center_2), sample to detector distance L (SampleDistance), number of photons in the incident beam I0 (Intensity0), number of photons in the transmitted beam I1 (Intensity1), sample thickness t, cross section of the beam A, distance between a detector pixel and the scattering volume rd, number of photons scattered into a detector pixel is, scattering angle 2θ. |
The scattering geometry is constructed stepwise from a standard configuration, in which the detector is placed at a distance L from the sample and oriented perpendicular to the primary beam. In this case the primary beam hits the detector in the point of normal incidence (C) and the axes f1 and f2 of the detector coincide with the geometrical axes x1 and x2 in the laboratory system (raster configuration 1). If the detector axes do not match an adequate raster orientation needs to be chosen (see below).
The center (C) is defined as the point from where the detector normal points to the sample. It is therefore also called point of normal incidence (PoNI). Attention, C is generally different from the position of the primary beam on the detector. Both points are only identical if the detector is perpendicular to the primary beam.
The geometry of rotated detectors is constructed from the standard configuration by three subsequent rotations in the laboratory coordinate system: first rotation ρ1 (DetectorRotation_1) around axis x1, second rotation ρ2 (DetectorRotation_2) around axis x2 and third rotation ρ3 (DetectorRotation_3) around axis x3. The point of normal incidence (C) and the distance L between sample and detector are kept constant during the rotations. The corresponding rotation matrices are
In the standard configuration the laboratory coordinate x of a detector pixel is given by
The detector coordinates fN1, fN2 are the distances on the detector relative to the point of normal incidence (C) (reference system Normal, see below). The third component −L is the position of C relative to the sample. Thus, the laboratory coordinate x′ of a rotated detector is
The scattering angle 2θ and the azimuth of the scattered beam can be found by expressing x′ in polar coordinates.
2.2. Metadata describing the experiment
The standard metadata keywords used for the description of the geometry are listed in Table 1. Standard keywords are automatically updated during all calculations once they have been set.
The keyword raster orientation describes the orientation of the image axes with respect to the directions in the laboratory space. It becomes necessary when scattering patterns of several detectors are combined. For mathematical convenience, the origin of an image in standard configuration (raster orientation 1) is in the lower left corner. Here, axis 1 is horizontal and axis 2 vertical. In all other orientations the image axes are either flipped (indicated by a minus sign) or the horizontal (h) and vertical (v) directions are exchanged. Table 2 lists all eight orientations of two-dimensional images. The abbreviation (h, −v) after raster orientation 3 means that axis 1 is horizontal and that axis 2 is vertically flipped, i.e. the displayed image would appear upside down when the raster configuration is ignored. This numbering can be extended recursively to higher-dimensional data.
Table 3 lists additional standard keywords for title, start time and a dummy value. Undefined or masked pixels are set to the dummy value, e.g. the area of the beamstop or the result of an invalid mathematical operation like a division by zero. It should be a number outside the value range of the image and must be different from zero. Table 4
lists keywords that are needed for absolute calibration of scattering intensities.
Keyword values can be set or changed whenever it is appropriate. For most of them default values are used. The SAXS programs accept mathematical expressions and units can be appended with an underscore. However, an early definition together with an early (online) processing helps to avoid experimental errors.
These lists of keywords are not exhaustive. New keywords can be introduced on an ad-hoc basis as long as they do not collide with standard keywords and as long as they can be clearly identified, e.g. ESRF_ID01_PHI.
2.3. Coordinates and reference systems
For a unique description it is necessary to use well defined pixel coordinates f. Pixel coordinates are real numbers. As convention the left (lower) edge of an array has the coordinate 0.0 and the right (upper) edge of the nth pixel the coordinate n (see Fig. 2). For clarity, all axis indices are omitted in this section.
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Figure 2
Definition of the pixel coordinate f along a single array axis. |
Table 5 lists the available reference systems. Each reference system defines an affine transformation of a pixel coordinate f to a reference system coordinate f′. The transformations are calculated by using the geometrical metadata described in Table 2
. All transformations can be written as
Ps and Off are internal variables that depend on the metadata of each image. They can be calculated by rearranging the equations in Table 5. The intensities of the transformed pixels are mapped to each other according to their overlap. The intensities are either integrated or averaged.
The basic detector corrections, like background subtraction and flat-field division, are pixel by pixel operations. They can be applied without knowledge about the geometrical setup of the experiment. In this case the reference system Region should be used.
For scattering experiments real distances from the point of normal incidence C are required. In the Normal reference this distance is given in metres. A useful extension is the Saxs coordinate fS. It is the Normal coordinate fN divided by the sample distance L and the wavelength λ
To convert the scale into a convenient range, it is multiplied with nanometre (10−9 m). The modulus fS of the Saxs coordinate is related to the modulus s of the scattering vector which is defined as
where θ is half the scattering angle and λ the wavelength of the radiation. By replacing fN/L by tan 2θ equation (5) can be rewritten as
From equations (6) and (7) the relation between fS and s can be calculated:
At small scattering angles 2θ the Saxs coordinate fS can be interpreted as a commonly used approximation for s
The Saxs reference system maps exactly scattering patterns to each other that have been measured at different distances L. It is an approximation for the comparison of scattering patterns measured at slightly different wavelengths λ.
2.4. Projection types
To display WAXS and SAXS patterns together in a common plane, e.g. on the beamline computer, a projection of the Ewald sphere is required. A useful projection has been described earlier (Urban et al., 2003). It consists of a rotation of the scattering vector s from the Ewald sphere to the tangential plane that crosses the origin perpendicular to the incoming wave (see Fig. 3
). The azimuthal angle and the length of the scattering vector are conserved during the transformation. This projection is called Waxs projection. It corresponds to a virtual detector plane in reciprocal space. The distortions that are introduced into the detector scattering pattern by this transformation are relatively small, up to scattering angles of 90°.
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Figure 3
Projection of scattering vector s from the Ewald sphere (dotted) to sp in the projection plane. The projection plane is perpendicular to k0. C is used as the origin of the reciprocal space. The detector is indicated as a continuous line on the Ewald sphere. k0 is the wavevector of the primary beam, k1 the wavevector of the elastically scattered beam. The modulus of the wavevectors is 1/λ. |
In the Waxs projection, the point C marks the origin of the reciprocal space and the wavevector k0 is perpendicular to it. Practically, the detector pattern is mapped in such a way that the distance from C is proportional to the modulus of s when the Saxs reference system (Table 5) is used:
The superscript Waxs indicates that the reference system Saxs is applied to a Waxs projected image. Apart from losses due to the mapping of pixel intensities both presentations are equivalent and can be mutually converted. To distinguish both representations the keyword ProjectionType is used. It has the value Waxs for the projected pattern and Saxs for the original pattern. At small scattering angles both projections look nearly identical due to the insignificant curvature of the Ewald sphere. The Waxs projection allows a representation of WAXS and SAXS data in the same plane and an analysis of the azimuthal intensity distributions of WAXS data like SAXS data.
It should be taken into account that the Waxs projection is only an aid for visualization and that it only represents a real cut through the reciprocal space for isotropically scattering samples.
3. Propagation of statistical errors
The error propagation calculation is based on variance calculations. The general procedure is described in standard text books, e.g. Blobel & Lohrmann (1998). The basic relations are repeated here
The function f is the probability density of the vector x and is normalized to 1 [equation (11)]. The n components of x are the statistical variables of the experiment. The integrations are taken over the whole range of all variables. In the specific case of two-dimensional scattering data, the statistical variables xi are pixels. The expectation value of xi is written 〈xi〉 [equation (12)], the variance of xi is written var(xi) [equation (13)] and the covariance between two statistical variables xi and xj is written cov(xi,xj) [equation (14)]. Variance and covariance are the diagonal and non-diagonal elements Vij of the covariance matrix V[x]. In linear approximation, the basic rule of error propagation for a function y(x) with m components can be written as:
V[y] is the covariance matrix of the m-dimensional output variable y. The matrix B contains the partial derivatives of the output variables yi with respect to the input variables xj. For the exact definition of B and V see Blobel & Lohrmann (1998). The size of the covariance matrix V[x] scales with n2 and the derivative matrix B scales with n × m. Because of the required huge matrix dimensions in case of images a straightforward application of the error propagation rule [equation (15)
] seems to be impossible.
As simplification it is assumed that all images have the same size (n × n) and that all input images are uncorrelated with respect to each other. In the case of pixel by pixel operations equation (15) can be split into the following sum over N input images:
All sub-matrices with the subscript k have the same dimension as the output image and the Bk matrices are diagonal. However, the variance matrices Vk with the statistical variables xk are not necessarily diagonal because of pixel by pixel correlations in a single image. Owing to the diagonality of the Bk matrices, the non-diagonal elements of Vk, the covariance values, do not mix during pixel by pixel operations.
It is assumed that the detector noise consists of the statistical noise of the detected photons plus an electronic noise of the detector. The variances of both contributions are added. The main assumptions are that cross correlations between pixels are caused by the spatial resolution of the detector and distant pixels and pixels of different images are uncorrelated. Under these assumptions it should be possible to bin images in such a way that the pixel sizes become larger than the spatial resolution of the detector and the cross correlations between neighbouring pixels become negligible. In this case all non-diagonal terms of the variance matrices Vk should vanish. Equation (15) reduces to a calculation of variances:
For this case the variances of the input variables xi should be determined, e.g. by analyzing a time series of images or by statistical analysis of a single image. If, afterwards, the pixel sizes are changed their variances are recalculated as if they were uncorrelated. However, it should be taken into account that the variances are only valid for pixel sizes where cross correlations with neighbouring pixels are negligible.
In this way statistical error propagation is implemented in the Saxs program package. Practically, the variance values are stored in a separate variance array that contains the variance of each pixel. The file size is usually doubled.
Fig. 4 illustrates the error calculation capabilities. The input is a simulated two-dimensional scattering pattern with simulated noise. Two curves are shown in the figure, the longer curve with less noise is an azimuthal average of the whole pattern, the shorter curve is a projection of 10 pixels.
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Figure 4
Comparison of an azimuthal integration of a normalized scattering pattern (in units of sterad−1) with a 10 pixel wide projection (shorter curve). The length of the error bars is 2σ. The curves have been calculated from a 512 × 512 large simulated scattering curve (3 mm thick crystallized polyethylene). The following parameters have been used: pixel size 200 × 200 µm2, I0 = 1010 photons, transmission 0.75, wavelength 0.1 nm, distance 3 m, detector quantum efficiency of 1. Poisson statistics have been used for the scattered photons and an r.m.s. detector noise of 1 analog to digital unit (ADU). |
4. System requirements
The Saxs package can be compiled with the GNU C compiler GCC (GCC, 2006) on UNIX, LINUX and on MacOS systems. It can also be compiled on Windows systems by using CYGWIN (Cygwin, 2006
5. Conclusion
The Saxs program package is in use at beamline ID01 and ID02 at the ESRF, at ID02 since 1995. The publication lists of these beamlines are available online. Practically all SAXS and anomalous SAXS experiments with two-dimensional detectors that have been done at these beamlines since 2002 have at least taken advantage of this package. It has been integrated into an online correction program that runs automatically during data acquisition. The user can select the required corrections before exposure. The program package uses the ESRF data format as a practical method to store series of two-dimensional X-ray scattering patterns together with metadata. The geometrical description, however, is independent of the data format.
I thank all colleagues and users of the beamlines ID01 and ID02 that have given to me a positive feedback and who have helped to develop and improve the computer programs.
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