Figure 1
Optical layout of the μ-Spot beamline with the two options (a) and (b) used for scanning SAXS/WAXS. M1: toroidal mirror; M2: bimorph mirror, DCM: double crystal monochromator with linear Bragg–Fresnel lenses; DMM: double multilayer monochromator; Ph: beam-defining pinhole for option (b); gPh: guard pinhole close to the sample position; WLS: 7 T wavelength-shifter source; S1, S2 and S3: slit systems; F: Filter; Sh: beam shutters; fSh: fast shutter for triggering with the MarMosaic detector; IC: ionization chamber; RT: ring tunnel; OH: optics hutch; EH: experimental hutch. The distance between the sample and the SAXS/WAXS detector in the experimental hutch can be varied continuously between 0.1 m and 0.9 m. |