Figure 3
(a) Top-view sketch of the experimental station, with main components: sample goniometer (white) with scanning stage (black), detector and goniometer translation stages (hatched), and detectors (SAXS/WAXS detector, XRF detector and optical microscope, dark grey). The light grey shows the microscope rotated into the beam, with the SAXS/WAXS detector in its parking position. (b) Definition of the major geometric parameters for SAXS/WAXS: distance l between sample (S) and beamstop (BS); distance L between sample and SAXS/WAXS detector, SAXS/WAXS detector size 2R and beamstop size 2r. The XRF detector is placed in back-reflection geometry and points either to the sample or to the beamstop (see text). |