Figure 1
The four parts of data treatment. The sample was a side-chain liquid-crystal polymer oriented by a horizontal magnetic field (PAXY spectrometer, LLB, CEA Saclay; Noirez, 1999 ). After a fit all four parts are gathered in a single A4 image, stored in a file. On the left of part (a) one can find the characteristics of the data and correction files. On the right of part (b) the intensity mapping around the beam catcher hole exhibits anisotropic forward scattering by the main chain (half of the polymer main chains were deuterated); on the left side is a Bragg peak, the signature of the sample smectic phase. Two rectangles which represent filters can also be seen. The projections of the pixels inside these filters on the relevant axes are shown on the left of part (b) (circles and stars for the horizontal and vertical rectangles, respectively). The solid line corresponds to a fit by two-dimensional functions, a centred Lorentz–Lorentz function for the forward scattering and a non-centred Gauss–Lorentz function for the Bragg peak. The characteristics of the fit are displayed on the right of part (a). |