Figure 1
Experimental setup for XFCS and SAXS. (a) Side view of the setup for the SAXS measurement. A pair of vertically deflecting mirrors is followed by a horizontally deflecting Si(111) channel-cut monochromator. A slit system and a set of compound refracting lenses (CRLs) provides the micrometre-sized beam. Scattered photons are recorded by a fast avalanche photodiode (detector 1) at a distance of about 3 m, which performs Q scans in the vertical direction. Resolution in Q is provided by a 100 µm × 100 µm sized slit at the detector. (b) Top view of the setup for XFCS. The same optics are used as in (a). The energy-resolving silicon drift diode (detector 2) records fluorescence radiation in the horizontal plane. |