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Figure 4
The square of the radius of gyration, Rg2, for Ca2+/CaM (open circles), Ca2+/CaM/MLCK peptide complex (filled circles), Ca2+/CaM/HV1A2Δ3 complex (open squares), Ca2+/CaM/HV1A2Δ10 complex (filled squares), Ca2+/CaM/HV1rA2Δ10 complex (open triangles), Ca2+/CaM/HV1B1Δ10 complex (filled triangles), Ca2+/CaM/HV1H2Δ10 complex (open downwards pointing triangles) and Ca2+/CaM/HV1H2WΔ10 complex (filled downwards pointing triangles).

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