Figure 8
(a), WAXS curves of 0.01 g ml−1 ApoMY at pH 9.0, all WAXS curves at different temperatures in Fig. 7 are superimposed. The arrows at q = ~1.34 Å−1 and at q = ~0.58 Å−1 correspond to the cross-β structure and the pleated sheet stacking in amyloid ApoMY, respectively. (b) Temperature dependence of integrated peak intensities in the q regions of ~0.52–0.64 Å−1 and of ~1.28–1.4 Å−1, where those intensities are normalized by the integrated intensities in the q regions of ~0.25–0.8 Å−1 and of ~1.1–1.9 Å−1, respectively. |