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Figure 8
Selected SUBSTRUCT models of MS2 RNA, obtained by applying different modelling strategies: variation of the search space (a–d: single elliptic cylinders, e, f: combinations of two elliptic cylinders); variation of the radius, next-neighbour distance (Δ), and total number of beads [a–f: rb = 1.3 nm, except for the enlarged terminal beads (`hairpin loops') of the double-stranded branches in models b and f, where rb = 1.83 nm; a, b and e, f: Δ = 1.3 nm, c, d: Δ = 2.6 nm; a–c and e, f: Nb = 456, d: Nb = 248]; variation of the simulated double-helix content (a: 72.3%; b–f: 74.7%). Single-stranded RNA (weighting factor 1.0) is coloured in pink and double-stranded branches (weighting factor 2.77) are shown in grey.

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