Figure 6
Apparent stresses for nano-Ni and micron-Ni, plotted as functions of pressure and temperature. The yield points are derived by the intersections of the elastic loading and plastic work-hardening or -softening stages. The corresponding high-P yield stresses are the stress differences Δσ between the initial and yield states. The residual stresses of the samples should be read from the instrument baseline to the initial stress states under ambient conditions. The purple open square symbol is used to mark the recovered samples, which come back completely to the initial state of micron-Ni in terms of stress, strain and grain sizes. The errors in the strain determinations range from 0.05 × 10−2 to 0.1 × 10−2, corresponding to errors of 0.1–0.2 GPa for the calculated apparent stress, which are smaller than or comparable to the size of the plotted symbols. |