Figure 8
HEPES binding to HEWL. (a) (Fobs–Fcalc, αcalc) electron density contoured at +2.0σ (green) and −2.0σ (red); (b) (2Fobs–Fcalc, αcalc) electron density contoured at 1.0σ. In both cases the HEPES model was not included in the phase calculation. (c) Anomalous difference Fourier electron density map contoured at +3.0σ, exhibiting a peak at the position of the S atom of the HEPES molecule, lending further support to the identification of the density as belonging to HEPES. (d) Final (2Fobs–Fcalc, αcalc) electron density contoured at 1.5σ for the final model including the HEPES ligand. |