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Figure 3
Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of the [011]c, [111]c and [013]c zone axes. Arrows indicate the 1/2{ooo} and 1/2{ooe} superstructure reflections, where R means rhombohedral and T tetragonal. The left-hand column shows the zone axis diffraction patterns for sample 92-06-02 and the right-hand column those for 94-05-01. (a) The weak intensity of the 1/2{ooo} superlattice reflections, due to a low proportion of the rhombohedral phase. (b) The bright intensity of the 1/2{ooo} superlattice reflections, implying a high proportion of the rhombohedral phase. (c) The bright intensity of the 1/2{ooe} superlattice reflections, due to a high fraction of the tetragonal phase. (d) The weak intensity of the 1/2{ooe} superstructure reflections, signifying a low fraction of the tetragonal phase. (e) In the [013]c zone both superstructure reflections are visible. The 1/2{ooo} are weaker than the 1/2{ooe} superlattice reflections. Streaking of the 1/2{ooe} superlattice reflections in the [100] direction is visible. (f) In contrast with Fig. 2[link](e), the 1/2{ooo} superstructure reflections are stronger than the 1/2{ooe}, which is consistent with observations along the [011]c and [111]c zone axes.

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