Figure 3
The measured SANS from a powder sample of TiO2 with a bulk density of −0.99 g cm−3. The rise at low Q is due to scattering from the surfaces of the particles in the powder. The flat scattering from 0.2 to 0.5 Å−1 is consistent with the calculated incoherent scattering for this sample [from equation (46) after scaling by the ratio of the bulk density to the theoretical density], but is far below the level calculated by including the disorder scattering term in equation (47) . These data clearly demonstrate the absence of any so-called `compositional incoherent' scattering. The error bars in the figure represent one standard deviation. Also included for reference is the scattering measured from a 2 mm-thick sample of D2O under the same conditions and treated the same way, which gave the expected value of dΣs/dΩ ≃ 0.05 cm−1. [The incoherent contribution to the low-Q scattering from D2O is, from the last term of equation (31) , only 0.011 cm−1. Most of the scattering is coherent, and from the cross section per molecule at λ = 6 Å, σs = 22 barns (BNL 325 ), the total cross section per unit volume is dΣs/dω = 0.059 cm−1.] |