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Figure 1
XRD patterns taken with Cu K[{\alpha}] radiation on a nondeformed sample (as-sintered) and on a 15%-compressed SPS CrMnNi TRIP steel sample (open circles) and calculated using the models described in the text (solid lines). The symbols next to the diffraction indices label f.c.c. austenite, b.c.c. [\alpha]′-martensite and h.c.p. [\varepsilon]-martensite. In the XRD pattern of the as-sintered sample, the very weak peaks at [2\theta] = 41.75 and 48.6° stem from the spectral line W L[{\alpha _1}] ([\lambda = 1.47671] Å), which was present in the primary beam owing to a slight contamination of the X-ray source.

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