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Figure 2
(a) A part of the XRD pattern of [\varepsilon]-martensite (described in the space group P63/mmc) simulated using MAUD, which illustrates the influence of 4% SFs on the broadening of the hexagonal XRD lines 100, 002 and 101. (b) Comparison of the experimental XRD pattern from Fig. 1[link] (open circles) with the XRD pattern calculated for a mixture of [\alpha]′-martensite, austenite and [\varepsilon]-martensite (red dashed line). Two additional microstructure models were applied for calculation of the XRD line broadening in [\varepsilon]-martensite: the size–strain model according to Delhez et al. (1993BB8), which is depicted by the green line with symbols, and the Warren (1990BB39) model containing 0.9% of intrinsic stacking faults (black line).

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