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Figure 2
(a) Xpadder layout for the Xbox controller and the shortcuts implemented. The Xpadder layout shows the customized keyboard shortcuts as implemented in PyMOL. Mouse functions have been assigned to the left and right stick and the buttons, where X, Y and B are left, middle and right mouse clicks, respectively. Other customized settings for PyMOL are as follows: left bumper – stereo and full screen; right trigger – full screen; directional pad (up) – preset of PyMOL `ligand sites' and surface colored by atom; directional pad (right) – shows structure as a cartoon and colored by secondary structure; directional pad (down) – selected residue shown as sticks and labeled; directional pad (left) – preset of PyMOL `ligand cartoon' showing the polar contacts. (b) Current setup of commodity HDTV for co-located discussions. The current setup shows users viewing a protein with stereoscopic glasses and using Xbox game controllers.

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