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Figure 1
Implementation of the primitive rhombohedral cell in a (111)-textured f.c.c. film. (a) The f.c.c. cell and the primitive rhombohedral cell of the f.c.c. cell. The three basis vectors of the rhombohedral cell are indicated as arrows. (b) Relation between the (111) plane of the f.c.c. cell and the (111) plane of the rhombohedral cell. (c) Cross-sectional view of the rhombohedral cell in a (111)-textured f.c.c. film. (d), (e) and (f) are the rhombohedral cell under zero stress (ideal cell), simple lattice expansion (isotropically expanded cell) and tensile stress (vertically compressed cell), respectively. In (b), (d), (e) and (f), only the three basis vectors of the rhombohedral cell and the corresponding atoms are drawn. a0 in (a) is the strain-free lattice parameter of the f.c.c. cell. The angle and the lattice constant of the rhombohedral cell are described as αr and ar. The bulk value of ar is written as ar bulk and can be expressed as (1/21/2)a0 bulk, where a0 bulk is the bulk value of a0.

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