Figure 4
Probing the SL crystal structure with a nanofocused synchrotron radiation beam. Slices through the three-dimensional RSM of width ΔQ = 0.001 Å−1 for (a) Qy = 0.006 Å−1 and (b) Qx = 1.572 Å−1, and (c) projection onto the QxQy plane integrated along Qz, recorded at the top center of the Ge crystal. The inset SEM micrograph shows schematically the position of the X-ray beam with respect to the cross section/projection plane. The schematics in (d), (e) and (f) show the distribution of SL peaks along significant crystallographic directions corresponding to the top crystal facets, i.e. (113), , and . The solid lines correspond to the peak shapes and truncation rods observed in the corresponding cross section through the three-dimensional RSM, and the dashed lines indicate these as they would be observed out of the realized cross section, e.g. when projected onto the corresponding plane. In the case of a nanofocused synchrotron beam, the SL peaks are observed as oblique narrow discs owing to the large divergence of the X-ray beam induced by the Fresnel focusing system (see Falub et al., 2013 ). In panels (e) and (f) the yellow area demonstrates the QxQz slice where the intensity is integrated over Qy. I – focused synchrotron beam, as plotted in panel (a). II – beam collimated by Soller optics, as plotted in Fig. 3 (b). III – beam with high divergence in Qy, as from a laboratory X-ray tube. |