Figure 1
Experimental setup of the MZP imaging experiments. (a) The synchrotron radiation beam is prefocused by 18 beryllium CRLs and then focused down to about 10 nm using an MZP, with the sample in the focus or defocus. The zeroth order is absorbed by a beamstop (BS). (b) SEM image taken during FIB preparation of an MZP (side view) mounted on a W tip. (c) Transmission electron micrograph of a lamella cut (equivalent to the lens). (d) Sketch showing the different orders from a binary zone plate. (e) Sketch of an idealized detector image, showing the central CRL beam and the first four orders. (f) Simulation of the focused intensity, in a logarithmic false-colour representation, along the optical axis; compare to (d). (g) Typical far-field diffraction patterns of the MZP, logarithmic intensity scale; compare to (e). |