Figure 2
Screw dislocation in a 30 × 30 × 30 nm copper crystal with Wulff geometry. (a) and (c) The colour scale shows the ux component of the atomic displacement field for both initial and relaxed configurations. (b) and (d) Perfect screw dislocation with b = [ ] and dissociation of the perfect dislocation in two sets of Shockley partials in the (111) and ( ) planes. Only the defect, edge and corner atoms are shown. Calculated CXD patterns with g·b = 0 (g = ) for a perfect (e) and dissociated dislocations (f). (g) Intensity along [111] (log scale). Calculated CXD patterns with g||b (g = ) for a perfect (h) and dissociated dislocations (i). (j) Intensity along [001]. Perfect (k) and dissociated dislocations (l) and intensity along [001] (m) with g||bp (g = ). Perfect (n) and dissociated dislocations (o) and intensity (p) along [110] for general g (g = 200). The area of the reciprocal space is kept to the same value in all figures and is equal to 0.045 × 0.0675 Å−1. |