Figure 3
Part of the (001) section of a lattice whose conventional cell is of type P (top) or C (bottom), with the traces (solid lines) of (hk0) planes with h and k having opposite parity (h = 2, k = 1 in this figure). The same conventions are used as in Fig. 2 . The interplanar distance d(hk0) in oC is half that in oP, but the density of nodes on each plane of the family is the same in both lattice types. The first plane of the family indeed cuts the a axis at and passes through lattice node 010 in oP, so that the family of lattice planes is correctly expressed as (210). In the case of oC, however, there is an additional plane (red) midway between the origin and the plane which was first in oP; it cuts the a axis at and the b axis at , so that the family of lattice planes is indexed as (420). The same conclusions are obtained by drawing any other (hk0) family with the opposite parity of h and k, like for example (320) or (140). |