Figure 12
Thickness and wavelength dependence of the forward scattering from water as averaged over the whole 3He 0.64 × 0.64 m area detector with dS = 0.8 mm (circles) and 2.0 mm (squares). Data are put on an absolute scale using equation (2) and the beam current JB as measured using a 3He detector with calibrated beam attenuation. The solid lines are calculated according to equation (13) , with GD for the helium detector as obtained from Fig. 11 and Gθ obtained from Fig. 9 . Black and blue denote 0.8 and 2.0 mm thicknesses, respectively. The scattering power τ is obtained from the sample transmission and inelastic fraction obtained from TOF using Table 6 . The dashed curves use the scintillation detector efficiency to calculate GD. The increase in scattering observed with 2 mm thickness is primarily a result of the lower transmission. |