Figure 5
Some data sets require further processing to remove the curved background artefacts. This figure shows the l = 0.5 plane from a Pt(110) sample in the high-pressure flow reactor setup at ID03. The surface exhibited a (3 ×3) reconstruction (which has not been described before in the literature) during high-temperature high-pressure exposure to NO and H2. The setup had a relatively high diffuse background that could be corrected for by estimating the background level for each pixel of the detector, once per scan in ω. The left panel shows the raw data, the middle panel the data after background correction. The right panel shows the intensity profiles along the line k = 0.66 for a direct comparison between raw and corrected data. The small peaks at h = 0.3 originate from scattering from the Be dome; this is also visible in the left and middle panel as a diagonal line. |