Figure 4
Assessment of a global search ensemble. (a) The X-ray atomic structure of the Arp2/3 seven-subunit complex with ATP and Ca2+ (PDB code 1tyq; Nolen et al., 2004 ) is shown (in light grey) within a corresponding 20 Å resolution simulated map (in grey), with chain C (the seven-bladed beta-propeller ARCP1 subunit) highlighted (in yellow). (b) The top-ten-ranked solutions resulting from global fitting of chain C within the 20 Å resolution map based on ADP_EM (in light blue) are shown within the density map (in grey). The native chain C is shown as reference in yellow [as in (a)]. (c) The top-ten-scoring fits (in dark blue) based on re-ranking of the 100 ADP-EM fits using the Borda score (calculated from the SCCC, NV-S and SMI scores) are placed accurately within the 20 Å resolution map (shown in grey). The native chain C is shown as reference in yellow [as in (a)]. |